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The leadership of German Solar consists of highly qualified experts in various industrial sectors. All members studied in Germany and look back at a rich track record of successful projects in Germany and the Middle East. The team gained its expertise in the various industrial sectors like aerospace, automotive, renewable and conventional energy, mechanical and mechatronics engineering.
Holds a masters degree in engineering and economics from the University of Paderborn. Excellent track record of more than 25 years overarching various sectors like aerospace, automotive, mechanical engineering, pharmaceuticals and airlines. Last but not least, over 5 years in the areas of renewable energy and conventional energy.
Living in Hamburg, Germany. Experienced entrepreneur in IT and consulting. Responsible for products and purchasing.
Holds a masters degree in mechatronics from the University of Paderborn. 13 years of international project experience in Europe and the Middle East covering a wide range of industries including Manufacturing, Aviation, Airlines, Energy (traditional and renewable), Oil & Gas, Textile, FMCG, Pharmaceuticals, Distribution and Automotive.